Zeinab & Mahmoud E-Session

Don’t you love when your clients have friends who also like your pictures?  I know I do.  Zeinab is good friends with a bunch of my previous clients.  Not only is she cute as a button, but she also really liked my stuff.  She wanted to have an E-session with me, and of course I complied.  Her man Mahmoud is a full time Radiologist, so coordinating a schedule that worked for all of us was bit of a challenge.  We finally set a date, headed off to Duke Gardens, and had an awesome E-session.  Zeinab was worried that Mahmoud would not be up for it, but he was a total champ and had great fun throughout the whole thing.  All in all, it was a very fun session.  I want to give a special thanks to my fellow photog. pal Calvin, who assisted me with the session.  Without further ado, here are the pics.  Feel free to leave some love in the comments 🙂

I love this shot.  Very fashionisque, no?

Money Shot 🙂

Just for Fun

Uh oh… begging for forgiveness already?  Not a good sign dude.

Punishment time