Thank You Picnic
Hello everyone. Today, I bring you a very special blog post, one that’s very dear to me. A little while ago, I was going over some of my old photographs of clients that are backed up on my harddrives, and I came across a lot of previous weddings of some of my good friends. Looking over all the past weddings, I started to feel quite nostalgic, and realized how important these people were to me. These individuals not only trusted in me with one of the most important moments of their life, but they invested in me early on, and saw potential in what I wanted to do. I’ve not only had the privilege of shooting their wedding/engagements, but maintaining a friendship that will last a lifetime. Without their trust and support, my business would not be where it is today, and I am beyond grateful for allowing me to be part of their lives.
So, I wanted to do something nice for my favorite early clients, just as a way to thank them. Now most other photographers might send their clients a thank you card or send a printed 4×6 print of their photo. Really? A 4×6 photo? To me, that’s not really special or meaningful. So I thought to myself, what would I be able to do for these individuals, that they themselves probably wouldn’t do, and something that would be a bit more memorable and fun for them? Well, since it was Spring time, and the weather was so nice, I decided that I should throw these wonderful people a picnic for everyone… where we could all gather, eat, and have fun. So, that’s what I did, and I took some photos along the way. If this idea gets copied by other photographers, well… you know where you saw it first 😉 All in all, we had a great time catching up with each other. This gathering was great because everyone grew up in the same community, and were all friends already. It was great to spend some time with each couple again, and see the dynamic of their relationship. Without a doubt, each of them have found their other half, and formed a beautiful and meaningful relationship that will last a lifetime. I genuinely cherish these people. They are not only some of my best clients, but they are also some of my closest friends. Thank you guys again for investing in me, but more importantly, thank you all again for believing in me.
Super cheesy, I know, but I had to be honest. Now onto the photos.

Going through my Hipster phase, don’t judge.