Syed & Nadia – Holud & Wedding
Hello everyone. Here’s a quick little update for a Holud and Wedding ceremony for Syed and Nadia. For those of you who may be unfamiliar, a Holud is a traditional Bengali ceremony where a turmeric paste is applied to the skin of the bride and groom. Henna is also applied to their hands often, and sweets are always fed to symbolize the sweet times the couple will spend in their lifetime. I came a bit early and was able to get some shots of Syed and his relatives setting up the stage area. Now Nadia was a bit shy and wouldn’t smile for the camera much, but I worked my magic and was able to capture some of the smiles… and she didn’t even know it 😀 All in all, we all had fun, and got some great images in the process. You can check out all of the details, colors, and full emotions below. Just a heads up though, it’s two sessions in one post, so lots of images to load.
Holud Ceremony

Wedding Day
Congratulations Syed & Nadia