Limon Photography

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Jeff & January – Wedding

Haven’t posted in a while, so I thought I post one of my favorite weddings from the summer. I meant to have this post up sooner, but haven’t had a chance to do it until now. This is the wedding of Jeff and January. These two are super nice, and I had a great time shooting their wedding. Their ceremony took place at a beautiful Church in Raleigh, the Sacred Heart Cathedral. It was somewhat of a challenge because photographers could not go past the last pew of the church. So for most of these shots, I had to stand on a choir balcony at the very back of the church, and somehow manage to get the wedding ceremony. Any normal photographer would probably be sweating at the lighting conditions and the distance, but I managed to prevail and capture the wedding beautifully 😀 After the ceremony, we went to Durham for the reception. When I walked into the reception hall and heard Metallica playing from the DJ (on request from Jeff), I knew it would be one wild and fun night. Everyone laughed, sang, and danced… and we all had a great time at the wedding. Congratulations again Jeff and January.

Saw an 18 wheeler cargo carrier parked outside of the church. I had to take advantage of it right then and there. Asked the driver permission, and got the following shots 😀


Iltifat & Sehr – Engagment + E-session

Once in a while, everything goes just perfectly… and you get exactly what you wanted.  It’s the best feeling in the world.  When I finished editing the pictures for Iltifat and Sehr, this was the way I felt at that moment.

I met Iltifat (who we call LT for short) way back in Undergrad, my sophomore year to be exact.  He is quite the character to say the least.  The dude is funny, very smart, super friendly, and always looking to have a good time.  I loved chilling with LT because he always has a very relaxed and casual approach to everything in life.  A building could literally be on fire, and LT would still be calm and relaxed.  LT also had the biggest group of friends I have ever seen anyone have… not even kidding, like celebrity style entourage.  His cool and friendly attitude not only made him an awesome person to be around, but a person that I  respect as well.  When I found out he was engaged and that he finally found the girl of his dreams, I was very happy and excited for him.  When I found out his fiance, Sehr, wanted me to cover the engagement ceremony… in Texas… I was even more excited. 🙂  When I finally met Sehr for the first time, I had no doubt that LT had indeed found the right girl, and they were perfect for each other.

For this session, I went all the way to Dallas Texas.  There was a very nice engagement ceremony, with all of the closest friends and family gathered around.  It had a very warm and family vibe to it.  I had the opportunity to get some great shots at Sehr’s house, not to mention eat some amazing food that her mom made.  We also had an E-session the next day at various locations in Dallas.  One of the locations was in a truly amazing resort that had a giant glass roof.  Though you were inside of a building, it felt like you were entering an outdoor paradise because of the transparent celing.  The place was absolutely beautiful and the couple made the location that much better.  I also enjoyed this trip more than some of the others because I actually got to relax, hang out with close group of friends, and do fun filled stuff like eating at Bobby Flay’s restaurant, and going bowling in ultra modern bowling ally.  I was a bit worried that maybe I was having too much fun.  However, in the end… everything worked out just beautifully.

Below are some of the shots from the E-session, as well as a slideshow of the Engagement Ceremony.  As always, comments are always appreciated.

Destination: Dallas, Texas


Engagement Ceremony


Congratulations Iltifat & Sehr, and thanks again for the warm hospitality 🙂

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Ravi & Swapna – Wedding

This post has been long overdue, but finally… it’s here at last. The following post contains images from Swapna and Ravi’s wedding last year. They are a wonderful couple, and planned one heck of a wedding. Both Swapna and Ravi are South Indian, so this was my very first South Indian wedding. Needless to say, I was very excited about seeing it… let alone cover it. Though I didn’t know much about a traditional South Indian wedding, Swapna was a real sweetheart and filled me in on all the details. This was the longest wedding I have done for anyone… even to this date. Some ceremonies started early in the morning, and we didn’t stop the party till midnight. There was also a Mehndi session a few days before the wedding, and a special puja ceremony the day after the wedding. Even after I narrowed down my favorite images, the count was over a staggering 200!!! Since there are so many images, I made it into a slideshow to make it a bit easier for everyone to navigate. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this beautiful wedding from start to finish.

Ravi & Swapna

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As always, any comments that you wish to leave are always appreciated 🙂