I am honored to present to you today, the wedding of Kyaw & Suzanne. I’ve shot a lot of weddings over the years, but this particular wedding is very special and close to me. The reason being is that Kyaw just so happens to be one of my closest childhood friends. Back in the 90’s, I was a lonely 5th grader who had just moved to Queens New York, and didn’t know anyone other than my family. My english was still rusty, so I wasn’t as confident about talking to others or making friends. I remember in school, Kyaw was one of the first person who actually made the effort to talk to me, and we instantly became friends. After a few weeks, we became best friends, and pretty much did everything together. Besides hanging out in school and going to most of the same classes, we had our after school ritual of going to the local deli to get some sour straw candies, and then heading over to a comic book store right across the school, which not only had comics, but also had arcade games like NBA Jam, Monster Truck Madness, and Street Fighter II. To a kid in the 90’s, that’s basically the holy grail. Our time mainly consisted of collecting NBA and Marvel trading cards (I still have them somewhere), reading comics, playing games, talking about which girls we kinda liked, talking about how strict our parents are, going over to each others home and playing more video games, and talking about really important topics like ‘Which power ranger is the best’ [that would be the Green ranger of course!]. To be a kid, have no worries, and just play video games all the time… those were the days. I would give anything to go back to that time! After a year and a half, we moved to North Carolina, but Kyaw and I still remained friends, and kept in touch.
Fast forward 20 years, and I found myself moving back to New York. When I met up with Kyaw again, it’s like nothing had changed, and both of us were instantly reminiscing about the good ‘ol days of 5th grade. What was even cooler is that Kyaw told me that he had finally met the girl of his dreams, Suzanne. Kyaw met Suzanne through a site called how about we, and by his 3rd date, he knew that she was the one, and had asked her to marry him. I was super stoked for Kyaw, but even more excited when he told me that he wanted me to photograph his wedding! I of course had to meet this dream girl, so I had the chance to meetup with Suzanne, and even through the brief encounter, I could tell that she was an amazing person, and had a very down to earth personality. On top of that, Suzanne has one of the best hand writing that I’ve seen on anyone! I know that’s a strange thing to mention, but no one really writes these days, so it’s a remarkable skill in my opinion. These two have such a natural chemistry, that there’s really no surprise that they wanted to marry each other.
This was a very fun wedding, with really fun people all around. Suzanne looked stunning, just regal in her dress, and I’ve never seen Kyaw as happy as he was on their wedding day. It also had a lot of fun quirks that only someone growing up in the 90’s would appreciate, such as basketball trading cards as table gifts, superhero themed cufflinks, and customized sneakers for all the groomsmen! It was an honor photographing this wedding, and I am really happy for one of my best friends fo find true love. Without further ado, I present you the wedding of Kyaw and Suzanne. If you like any of the photos, feel free to click the ♥ on the photo directly, and/or leave a comment below. Please also hit the like on the facebook page, because it feeds my ego!
Spring is here, and with it starts the wedding season. Today I bring you a really sweet Bengali wedding of Imran & Sinthia. I’ve known Sinthia and her family since my teenage days as we all grew up in our community together, and we would all often see each other at social events and gatherings. Her family is one of the kindest and most genuine family’s I know, and both my family and I have very high respect for them. I was thrilled to hear about Sinthia’s wedding, but I was even more excited and honored to be chosen as her wedding photographer! We did a quick E-session style shoot the day before, and then celebrated the wedding the following day. Sinthia had a beautiful wedding reception at the Preston Country Club, and she was one of the smarter brides who scheduled her wedding during the daytime instead of the evening (take notes ladies, photographers love that!). It also turns out that her husband Imran, who’s a super nice down to earth guy, is from my current hometown of New York… so I was definitely digging the NY – NC connections. I can sit here and talk more about this gorgeous wedding, but I rather let the pictures do the talking for me. So without further ado, here’s a sneak preview.
Congratulations Imran & Sinthia!
It was a pleasure to work with the following Vendors:
I’m always honored when my friends or past clients recommend my services to their other friends. Regardless of how many times this has happened in the past, I still feel very lucky every time, and get that warm feeling you experience when sipping hot cocoa on a snowy day. Back in 2011, my friends Shehab & Rahnuma tied the knot at NY city hall, and I was fortunate enough to be able to help capture their day. It was a very special union of two amazing individuals, and it also involved a one of kind motorcyle. Fast forward to 2016, and their friends Mia & Ivan were also tying the knot at the same exact place. Our plan was to do a nice couples session and proceed to the wedding ceremony, but thanks to global warming, it was a blissful 10° day outside, with strong winds making it feel closer to – 20°. This meant that we would have to essentially rush through everything, just to get indoors and not freeze out butts off. I might be a nice guy in general, but when it comes to getting good photos, I’m all about enforcing a bit of tough love to get the shots, regardless of what the conditions are. One thing I always ask my clients is to put their complete trust in me, and go with the flow, regardless of how things may seem. I asked the lovely couple to bare with me in the freezing cold longer than any person should normally have to endure, and they trusted me, and went along with it. I’m quite thankful for this, as I feel we were able to create some really special images in a fairly short time. These two are not only super photogenic, but also have an amazing connection being together.
We froze at the brooklyn bridge, had a beautiful intimate ceremony at city hall, and partied afterwards. You can check out all the moments below. As always, if you like an image, feel free to click the ♥, or leave a comment below!