Ibraheem & Sana – Wedding
The following post is for a wedding in Virginia I covered a while back. This is no ordinary wedding though. This is the wedding of my good friend Ibraheem. I met the guy in undergrad, and we’ve been good friends since. He’s a very wise man, but very down to earth at the same time. I especially like Ibraheem because I can whip him in Tennis whenever I want… and I’m sure Ib will challenge me to a game right after he reads this 😉 This was a fun trip because most of my friends came with me, I got to see another side of Virginia, and I met some really nice people as well. Special shout out to my VA boys, Marcus and Asif . Ib didn’t want to share all his images online, but I posted a select few of my favorites with his permission. So without further delay, I present to you the wedding + walima of Ibraheem & Sana.
Sorry Asif, I had to do it 😀
Apparently, this was the last time Ib would have the upper hand 🙂

Congratulations Ibraheem & Sana

Someone else took this shot of me, and I thought it was good… so I put up a picture of me for a change. Afterall, you need to know the face behind the camera, right?