Sumeet & Rita – E-Session
I know, I know… I’m a slacker. I’m really bad at this blogging thing. I’ve been really busy lately, so I haven’t had a chance to update this thing… but I promise I will start to put up more new stuff. I’m really going to try to post at least once a week here, so just bare with me for the time being. On to the post:
Remember the good ‘ol days of Undergrad? I sure do. It was one of those times when you moved away on your own for the first time, had very little responsibility, learned new and exciting things, and met many new and wonderful people? It’s one of the best moments of an individuals life, and my experience was no exception. One of the most fascinating things I find to this day, is how many people I actually met while I was in undergrad, and how I run into old friends just randomly. I met Sumeet back in 2005 through my friend LT (who’s wicked engagement pics will be posted soon), when they would all be chilling in one tiny college apartment. I haven’t really kept up with most of the guys after I graduated. Well, Sumeet ended up going to UNC Law School, and he also ended up getting engaged. His fiance, Rita, wanted to get some cool engagement pictures, so they came to me.
Both Sumeet and Rita are having their wedding overseas, since most of the family resides there. This is why they told me that these Engagement pictures were pretty much the only things they could get while they were still here. They both wanted something new, something fresh, and something that was non-traditional. This was great, because that’s exactly what I planned on giving them anyway. Since this would be the only thing they would have here, we decided to do an extended Engagement session… and really go all out. I had a blast with these two. They are a very loving and fun couple. The whole time we were joking around, and having loads of fun. I really wanted to try to capture their personality and the interaction between them in this set. They were very easy to work with, and we all had a great time. These were def. some of the best E-session shots I’ve had thus far. This was a long session, so there are loads of pictures. So without further delay, the pictures:
Wanted to do a Bollywood Scene
I told her to slap him if he said anything stupid or offensive. This was literally after the first thing he said.
My Favorite shot from the set!
Part 2
My 2nd Favorite shot from the set

Me:”OK, both of you stare out in front of you holding your hands”
Sumeet: Like this?
This shot would have been perfect… but then the Car decides to leave right as I’m taking the pictures
Trying to mimic a fashion shoot
I love this shot. Rita maintains her pose the whole time, even when random strangers are walking by and staring them down.
Throwing up gang signs. Rita obviously not amused.
Checking out the hot Indian centerfold
Congratulations Summet & Rita for your engagement
Just for fun, here’s a video that was done for their party by one of their relatives. I thought it was very funny, so check it out: